I remember countless hours as a kid being spent in bookstores and on library floors. Or Tucked in bed with a hot pad over my toes and a crisp new book in hand. Even now Tyler will find me asleep at night, a half read novel atop my face and all lights blazing.
So in the middle of planning my year I thought about how I wish I would have kept track of everything we read last year. But not just that, can you imagine if you had a list of every book you’ve ever read? And while that would be impossible, I can start now with writing down my book list for 2022.
I tend to have a few books going at once. A devotional for the mornings, a motivational or business related book for the afternoons, a historic fiction novel for the evenings, and so on. But for the sake of the list I’m giving myself one whole month to focus on one whole book for the course of the year.
Below you’ll find what I came up with for my 2022 book list and a bit of why I chose the order I did. I’d love to know what’s on your list. Are you a reader? Do you know of any must-haves that I should add?
Looking forward to walking this road, and reading these pages, with you!
It’s easy to get overwhelmed with new goals and aspirations for the year. This book is great for narrowing your vision and helping you choose what the best yes is for your life.
In a middle of a hustle culture this book will help you let go of trying to rely on your own strength, your own abilities, and your own savvy by truly understanding the freedom Jesus purchased for you.
It’s no surprise that I’m a huge Sally Clarkson fan. As we head into spring and the last quarter of our homeschool year I choose this book to help remind me of my intentions for our home. It’s all about creating special memories for your children; establishing home-building and God-centered traditions; and cultivating an environment in which your family will flourish.
In case you missed it, we are welcoming our 5th!! baby boy in May and I wanted my last book before giving birth to shed light on what it means to create a home where your children will experience the living God in your family.
Okay okay, this is the last Clarkson book for a while. 😉 But a great one to end on. In The Mission of Motherhood, Sally helps you rediscover the joy and fulfillment to be found in the strategic role to which God in all his wisdom has called you, for a purpose far greater than you can ever imagine.
Maternity leave means indulging in my most favorite of fiction books, sweet regency romances with a touch of mystery sprinkled in.
We’re halfway through the year and this book will help choose what things to ditch or goals to modify while showing you how to to move past perfect, get focused, and finish strong.
It’s about developing wisdom, character, and courage in the way we use digital media rather than accepting technology’s promises of ease, instant gratification, and the world’s knowledge at our fingertips. Perfect as we head into our 3rd year of homeschooling!
I once heard someone say that this book should be re-named “How to be a good human” and as I head into the busiest season for our family as well as GPP I thought this would be a great read!
As we all prepare for a season filled with food I wanted to focus on more than just cranking out 3 meals and endless snacks a day. (and all the moms said amen!) This book is about how food and faith, mingled in everyday life, become the combination for passing on God’s love to each person who breaks bread with us. What a wonderful reminder!
Holiday gatherings, school functions, church programs, so many social events on the calendar in November and December! Which also means you may have to set boundaries and face some hard relationships. This book helps remind us of the grace we all need and about the freedom of childlike humility. After all, as Hansen writes, the humble life is truly your best one.
A short, easy and absolutely delightful read. I adored reading this last year and am already looking forward to the reminder that Christmas begins what Easter celebrates: the child in the cradle who goes on to become the King on the cross. Because of Bethlehem, we have a place on earth and a Savior in heaven.