Rest for the Weary Mama

Simple Living

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

-Matthew 11:28

Should my kids share a room? Am I working too much? Or should I work more before Christmas? Will the baby ever sleep? (Yes) Okay, but it doesn’t feel like it. Will McDonald’s *really* be that bad for them? I’m beat and a happy meal sounds nice right about now…

As moms, we are inundated with questions. Decisions to be made day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. And it’s exhausting. 

Yet we have a Heavenly Father who asks us “to be still and know”. How do we navigate the two? Being still doesn’t seem to fit in the modern day job description of Mom.

When was the last time you were still mama? Can you remember? Does it even seem possible? 

I understand. Me too. 

But it’s something we have to make room for. To fight for. I want you to start by predetermining a sabbath day that will work for your family. And then, when that day comes, as hard as it is, your mission is to not do the things that your flesh is craving to do. Break the worldly cycle right here, right now.

It’s necessary, my friend. A command even. Sabbath isn’t a suggestion. It’s a vital part of creation that the Lord knew we would need. 

Amidst the demands, God knew the overwhelm we would feel and he made allowance for it.

One day a week he calls us to lay it all down. To trust that He will provide despite your efforts or better yet, lack thereof.

Take a minute to remember who flung the stars in the sky for you, who put breath in your lungs. Remember what it feels like to play a game, to sing, to laugh! To breathe. To be still… 

Finish your cup of coffee without rushing to the next thing. Let the sun shine on your face and the wind cool your cheeks. Look into the eyes of the people around you and know that God made them just for you. 

Sabbath isn’t a suggestion.

-Grace Paul

Meditate on his word and his goodness. So that when the harder days come, the ones filled with either weighty decisions or lots of trivial ones, the voice in your head will be one of gentleness. Of grace and peace. Because you have been filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, who gives you rest as a free gift for the taking. 

An easy way to start is by speaking the scriptures over your own life. I pulled together a collection of ones that I come back to when I need help remembering the importance of rest. And I want to share them with you. Print them for your home, hang them where you’ll see them, make them your screensaver, or use them as a bookmark. May it be a blessing.

You’re ever in my prayers,


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