5 Things I Learned from My No-Spend Month


Earlier this year, my husband and I decided to do a no-spend month. We set out to do the obvious thing – save money by cutting out unnecessary expenses. While we did succeed in doing that, I was amazed at how much I grew and learned in ways that didn’t directly involve spending.

lessons learned from a no-spend month

Lessons Learned from a No-Spend Month

  1. Blessings abound

On day one of our no-spend month all my kids woke up sick. We needed medicine and I wasn’t going to make them suffer through it so I planned to head to the store and try starting again on day two. That’s when my mom showed up with groceries, medicine, and Starbucks for me and Tyler. Many times throughout the month we had similar things happen. Blessings out of nowhere which I can only attribute to God’s provision. 

2. Buying takes up mental space

Like, a lot of mental space. In the past I was used to constantly thinking of our grocery list, home projects to do, homeschool supplies needed, work resources, etc. 

You know, like when you’re walking through your house and remember you haven’t changed your air filter in 2 months kind of purchases. 

When those thoughts popped up I’d tell myself it can wait and then was free to move on. 

It was drastic how much better and clearer I felt. 

3. Dopamine works

The dopamine from saving can be just as powerful as spending. But it’s not as quick. This is pretty self explanatory but is worth noting. 

I was no longer on the time table the advertisers and marketers wanted me to be on. I was in charge of my life on a new level and no flash sale could change that.

4. Discipline is good

There were two times I wanted to scrap it. But the verse I was meditating on was this,

“No discipline seems pleasant at the time but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” 

Hebrews 12:11

We often forget that discipline is good! Its fruits are peace. Peace! And who doesn’t want more of that these days? 

If you feel a lack of peace, maybe this is your sign to slow down and pray about an area you could use some discipline in. ( I know, really unpopular opinion there). Remember, though, the satisfaction comes later.

god's provision during a no-spend month

5. Shopping won’t make you feel better

I actually had to tell myself this. Anytime I found myself overwhelmed and with an itch to go shopping for organizational things, or pretty little things, I’d have to tell myself that shopping won’t make me feel better. 

I didn’t need more baskets, I needed to take better care of the things right in front of me. 

Some days that meant simply folding the laundry and putting it away. Or cleaning off the counters. Both gave me the same feeling that buying something new did. 

The problem was not my storage solutions. It was my stewardship. 

Overall, the benefits of this no spend month superceeded my expectations. This wasn’t just saying no to target trips. It’s changed the trajectory of our lives and legacy. 

A few other noteworthy things that came out of our no-spend month:

  • Heightened sense of commitment
  • A clear vision for our family financial legacy
  • A stronger relationship with my spouse
  • Renewed vigor in other areas of life, like morning devotionals, meal planning, home and work rhythms, and weekly dates. 

The amazing thing about doing a no-spend month is that you don’t have to wait for the New Year, or even the first day of the month. You can start it anytime. Find out where to begin here and watch it change your life. 

Looking to cast a vision for your own life? Think about it as the step before goal setting and grab my own vision casting template here!

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