Murfreesboro Mom + Me Session | Murfreesboro, TN


Murfreesboro Mom + Me Session | TN Family Photographer

I had the most wonderful Murfreesboro Mom + Me Session with a photographer friend of mine, Valerie. I was incredibly honored that she drove up from Alabama for me to photograph her and her sweet girls, Callan and Berit. Having another photographer ask you to capture their photos is the biggest compliment, especially when they are willing to travel! 

Valerie’s Mom + Me Session was a dream! Her girls are precious and I loved capturing their interactions and tender moments together.  They wore beautiful dresses that complement each other beautifully. I loved the girls’ bows that they wore. There is just something about little girls and their bows and accessories that I just love! 

Murfreesboro Mom + Me Session

Big sister, Callan, is a treasure. She is an outgoing little one who embodies all the best things about childhood. She is Tender, nurturing, playful, and so full of life. It was a joy to watch her run around, draw in the dirt with sticks, and love on her mom and baby sister, Berit.  Her smile definitely lights up a room!

Berit was a peach, too. She was calm and content snuggled up in her woven bassinet and in mom’s arms during our Mom + Me Session.  She didn’t mind playing with her feet and entertaining herself for a bit, while I snagged a few photos of just Mom and Callan. 

I can’t express how much this Murfreesboro Mom + Me Session meant to me. It was a joy to see a friend and catch up on life, while capturing her and the amazing bond with her girls. Motherhood with littles has its challenges. However, it passes by quickly and before you know it you are in a new stage or season. I am so grateful that I am able to freeze time for my clients and give them memories to look back on. I will never grow tired of seeing the genuine joy and excitement on the face of a toddler, or hearing the squeals of laughter, continuous giggles, and adorable noises from a baby. 

I’d love to capture your family’s memories in whatever season of life you are currently in. Connect with me today to start a conversation about your family’s story and how I can capture it!

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