There is something about pregnancy that we humans are drawn to. No matter what stage of it, I’ve found that people like celebrating this. Whether it’s strangers in the grocery store, an elderly neighbor, or your closest family, their eyes light up when they hear the good news.
When reading this quote from C.S. Lewis I realized why. “to have been born in God’s thoughts…”
What a magnificent thing to sit and meditate on.
Everyone walking on this Earth, including you reading this, has been born in God’s thoughts. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So while new babies are exciting and worthy of jubilee, so are you.
What did God make you to be? For Rebecca, it is wife, mom, youth pastor, photographer. For Daniel it is husband, father, musician. The options are endless, but always remember you were and are still made precious in His sight. And that is something to celebrate whether you are brand new or 92.